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Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Doug Lowe

Nine minibooks filling more than 800 pages provide the world's five million-plus Java developers with a basic all-in-one programming reference
Covers the recent release of the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 and the new J2SE Development Kit 5.0
Starts with beginner topics including getting started with Java, using the Java development platform, and Web programming
Expands into more advanced Java fundamentals such as object-oriented programming, working with arrays and collections, and creating user interfaces with Swing.

Book I: Java Basics.
Chapter 1: Welcome to Java.
Chapter 2: Installing and Using Java Tools.
Chapter 3: Working with TextPad.
Chapter 4: Using Eclipse.

Book II: Programming Basics.
Chapter 1: Java Programming Basics.
Chapter 2: Working with Variables and Data Types.
Chapter 3: Working with Numbers and Expressions.
Chapter 4: Making Choices.
Chapter 5: Going Around in Circles (Or, Using Loops).
Chapter 6: Pulling a Switcheroo.
Chapter 7: Adding Some Methods to Your Madness.
Chapter 8: Handling Exceptions.

Book III: Object-Oriented Programming.
Chapter 1: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming.
Chapter 2: Making Your Own Classes.
Chapter 3: Working with Statics.
Chapter 4: Using Subclasses and Inheritance.
Chapter 5: Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
Chapter 6: Using the Object and Class Classes.
Chapter 7: Using Inner Classes.
Chapter 8: Packaging and Documenting Your Classes.

Book IV: Strings, Arrays, and Collections.
Chapter 1: Working with Strings.
Chapter 2: Using Arrays.
Chapter 3: Using the ArrayList Class.
Chapter 4: Using the LinkedList Class.
Chapter 5: Creating Generic Collection Classes.

Book V: Programming Techniques.
Chapter 1: Programming Threads.
Chapter 2: Network Programming.
Chapter 3: Using Regular Expressions.
Chapter 4: Using Recursion.

Book VI: Swing.
Chapter 1: Swinging into Swing.
Chapter 2: Handling Events.
Chapter 3: Getting Input from the User.
Chapter 4: Choosing from a List.
Chapter 5: Using Layout Managers.

Book VII: Web Programming.
Chapter 1: Creating Applets.
Chapter 2: Creating Servlets.
Chapter 3: Using Java Server Pages.
Chapter 4: Using JavaBeans.

Book VIII: Files and Databases.
Chapter 1: Working with Files.
Chapter 2: Using File Streams.
Chapter 3: Database for $100, Please.
Chapter 4: Using JDBC to Connect to a Database.
Chapter 5: Working with XML.

Book IX: Fun and Games.
Chapter 1: Fun with Fonts and Colors.
Chapter 2: Drawing Shapes.
Chapter 3: Using Images and Sound.
Chapter 4: Animation and Game Programming.